Health Nutrition

The importance of good health nutrition is nothing new.Today, good health nutrition is more important than ever. At least four of the 10 leading causes of death in the U.S.--heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes--are directly related to way we eat; diet is also implicated in scores of other conditions. But while the wrong diet can be deadly, eating right is among the cornerstones of health.Of course, food alone isn't the key to a longer and healthier life. Good nutrition should be part of an overall healthy lifestyle, which also includes regular exercise, not smoking or drinking alcohol excessively, stress management and limiting exposure to environmental hazards.
The keys to good nutrition are balance, variety and moderation. To stay healthy, your body needs the right balance of carbohydrates, fats, and protein --the three main components of nutrition.You also need vitamins, minerals and other substances from many different foods, and while some foods are better than others, no single food or food group has it all--so eating a variety of different foods is essential.

Nutrition And Health Problems:

Osteoporosis is a thinning of the bones - the ultimate result of a slow, progressive loss of bone mineral that affects us all, beginning at around age 35. Although this process is most pronounced in postmenopausal women, osteoporosis can also affect men as they age. For people in their 80s, bone density may be reduced by 30 percent to 50 percent. About 24 million Americans have serious thinning of their bones, and osteoporosis is associated with 1.2 million bone fractures every year.
An important cause of osteoporosis is a lack of calcium early in life. Adults need 1,200 to 1,500 milligrams per day. To get this much calcium from food isn't easy: You'd need to drink four to five 8-ounce glasses of low-fat milk each day, or eat several full servings of yogurt, cheese or broccoli (all foods high in calcium). The average person only takes in about 750 milligrams of calcium daily from food. For this reason, many doctors now advise taking a 600- to 800-milligram supplement of calcium every day, along with adequate vitamin D intake. The usual recommendation is 400 to 800 units of vitamin D per day. A standard multiple vitamin contain 400 units of vitamin D. Also many calcium supplements now contain vitamin D.
Calcium absorption and excretion can be affected by what you eat. High-caffeine foods, such as coffee, tea and caffeinated sodas, may deplete the body's stores of calcium, and thus may promote bone loss. Diets high in protein and sodium also increase calcium excretion.

Health Nutrition Supplements:

In general, children and adults might benefit from taking one multiple vitamin per day. For a few pennies per day, a multivitamin provides added insurance that people are getting adequate intake of necessary vitamins and micronutrients. To avoid indigestion, take the multivitamin with food.

Women may need extra calcium and iron. You can get calcium from low fat dairy products and from over-the-counter calcium in the form of calcium carbonate and calcium citrate. These are inexpensive and easy to take. Calcium supplements are best absorbed when taken with meals, at a dose of 500 mg one or two times per day. Women who bleed excessively during menstruation may need to take a multivitamin and mineral supplement that contains iron to meet the daily recommendation of 15 mg. Pregnant and lactating women are usually given supplements by their doctors to meet their increased needs for iron and other nutrient.

Teenagers often have irregular eating habits and may not eat a balanced diet. A multivitamin with minerals can help fill in the nutritional gaps. Some teenage girls also need a daily calcium supplement.

Vegetarians are advised to take a multivitamin with iron and other minerals each day. Iron and B12 deficiency occur frequently in strict vegetarians.

Dieters and people who avoid entire food groups are more likely to have vitamin and mineral deficiencies. A daily generic multivitamin with minerals should be considered.
People with deficiency diseases or absorption disorders may need therapeutic doses of nutrients (two to 10 times the Recommended Dietary Intake) prescribed by a doctor. People taking prescription medications that interfere with the absorption of nutrients may also need higher dose supplements, as will those who abuse alcohol or drugs.

Health and Wellness It's Easy

By: G S Headley

Health and wellness is and should be a concern for all of
us. Preventative measures are the least expensive way to
keep the doctor bills away! Keep yourself in tip top shape
by exercising, eating a balanced diet, and taking care of
your body and mind.

How can you do this? It's easy, join a gym, take a walk,
run, row, kayak, do yoga or palates it doesn't matter what
you do, but do something for at least 45 minutes three times
a week. Remember one thing about exercise it has to be fun
or you just won't do it! Pick something you've always
wanted to do, and as Nike says, "Just Do IT"and you've
done the minimum exercise that your body and mainly your
mind requires for good health and wellness.

Eating right is all about knowing what your eating! A
ancient saying goes "you are what you eat" and it's true.
If you have poor eating habits, chances are that you'll
have poor health. You should know how much water you need to
drink daily, how to portion your meals, what wonderful foods
should be eaten for good health, and what kinds of foods can
help acne, diabetes, and even sexual responsiveness. So
learn about food and nutrition and you will have taken your
first step to your own health and wellness.

Taking care of your body is all about maintenance. Find out
about natural remedies using essential oils, aromatherapy,
food, herbs and supplements. Not to discount the
pharmaceuticals, they are necessary, but usually to bring
your body back from a health breakdown or crisis. Good
health and wellness is all about preventing the health
disaster! So don't wait around for the health crisis,
maintain your own body's health and wellness by using
preventative and daily maintenance techniques.

In conclusion, be proactive and learn about health and
wellness. It's all about your life, and the net is full of
very good information on the topic of health and wellness.
No one but you can make the decision for you to have a life
of health and wellness. Those who choose to have a life of
health and wellness are emotionally stable, physically
healthy, and lead well balanced and fulfilling lives. It's
just good sense! And it feels good, too!

Healthy Living from all of us at, An
Introduction To Health And Wellness.

About the author : G. S. Headley is's
writer/webmaster and has taken information from several
texts and summarized it down to an easy to read fun way to
be informed about the topic of Health and Wellness. Visit An Introduction to Health and
Wellness to read more in depth articles on these topics.